Phones are everywhere. Markets, malls, airports, schools, you name it, it’s there. Our heavy reliance on phones has grown a significant 35% in the past decades, according to The Guardian. I strongly reckon that being dependent on phones makes our lives more convenient, but too much of it will pose problems. Phones are valued by many for countless reasons, but, does this piece of technology actually have more negatives than positives?
To start off, phones are undoubtedly a great communication system. Before the invention of telephones, people needed to send birds with letters! Well, let’s not travel too far back. Before telephones, there were post offices through which people mailed their written letters and posted them. However, this method took weeks to deliver, while we can now message one another with the click of a button. Also, Gmail and Mail provide efficient communication, usually for more professional purposes, and are certainly super simple ways to message people anywhere! Video call options are also fantastic to me, because who wouldn’t want to see their loved ones in front of them like it were physical? Phones are excellent for this purpose because staying in touch with family and friends is key to having healthy, happy minds and strong relationships.
Additionally, phones are an amazing way to learn and grow! There are millions of websites and apps like Duolingo and Khan Academy, which offer fun and effective learning. Plus, the aesthetics and prizes on those tools attract young learners, spreading the satisfaction of receiving achievements for daily practices and completing tasks! Learning online can be very entertaining, keeping students accountable and focused through online friends, while smart A. It provides relevant next steps to help them improve!
Let’s not forget that phones are also one of the most popular time-passing devices! Come to think of it, there are so many apps and entertainment options, that it’s nearly impossible to ignore them. Social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, Snapchat, YouTube, and all gaming apps, have been engraved into our daily routines. Yes, they lighten our mood, pass time, and help us communicate with others. Although, just like any other thing, too much of it can harm us.
Spending excess time on social media, games, messages, and anything online, is scientifically proven to drive away our focus, which impacts the quality of work and attention in class! Plus, sitting down with your device automatically decreases your physical health and eye health! Our phones are addictive and very convenient, but there’s no doubt that the bluescreen damages your pupils if stress on them for too long. With all the benefits that phones provide to people, excessively using them is a common slip. As stated before, phones make our lives more livable, and too much of it poses problems. Problems that over-usage of phones can cause include limited activities, conversations done physically, and lower vocabulary and speaking skills from typing with grammar suggestions that instantly fix spellings.
Other than using phones too much, there could be serious issues from just scrolling through your social media. Cyberbullying, unfortunately, has increased over the years and severely affects the mental health of victims. The cases of cyberbullying often take place in the lives of students, and becoming the victim of an unknown bully is beyond your control. Putting a stop to it is necessary, but that’s a different story. I think that cyberbullying is the main concern with phones since it’s not about how you act but about others and their actions.
I strongly believe that our phones are valued devices because of their various efficient communication systems, educational accessibility, and how they serve as fun passing-time tools! Despite these positives, spending too much time on your phones still affects your eye health, physical activities, in-person conversations, and speaking skills. You could be spending your time wisely on your device, but you can’t control whether or not you’ll be a cyberbully victim. That is a large downside towards phones. In general, with these impacts listed, I think that phones should be valued and utilized in our lives, just not heavily relied on. When used correctly, I think phones are phenomenal, and despite the negative, their endless uses make them the popular device they are today! It may seem like phones have many negative aspects, but really, it’s a matter of using them right.