Star Trek, since the beginning of its inception, has always been a franchise revolving around crafting “the ideal future”; the depiction of human civilization as having transcended the terrestrial maladies of our history.
The White Elephant in the School: the Lockers
Name one of the most useless things this school has. Most of you might say My.CIS since not a lot of students use it. However, in my opinion, there is something even more useless than My.CIS (which parents do use), and it’s the various lockers located around the school.
Creature Feature: The Mantis Shrimp
Have you ever heard of the Mantis Shrimp? It’s the perfect example of the phrase “small but mighty”! Learn about their speed, punches and their eyes!
COP28: Oil Companies Leading Climate Action?
Why do nations so ardently present a display of progress when so many of them have no real intention for change?
Darondo: An Artist Revived
Discover Darando’s journey of untapped potential, vibrant artistry, and enduring influence, a testament to his timelessness
The Simpsons’ ‘Predictions’ aren’t actually Predictions; Here’s Why